Beware ... Many Scam Theatre Out There

As we know, Swisscash have been gone for several month or year ago. But many people think that maybe next month or next year Swisscash will be back. So that's why many people want to collect the Swisscash Member personal data.

They collect it with name of Swisscash backup, Swisscash re-entry or many more name, and they hope that Swisscash will be back and payback all the investor money. So please beware about this methods. You and maybe all the Swisscash member still hope that we can get our money, but please be wise that many people want to use this confusion situation to get maximum advantage.

They never think that many Swisscash member still on grave and sorrow about loosing their money at Swisscash. And maybe they are at the debt problems because they lend some money and invest it at Swisscash.

One of famous example of the scam business that want to use this confusing situation is We have discuss it several months ago. Just open the February 2008 archive and you will learn some of it.

SMFBackup another Scam Theatre

Today I look at the chat box at the sidebar and find name called "smfbackup" with its scam site : I think it was another scam people that want to cheat you twice.

You will loose your chance when Swisscash is back and you will loose your personal information on this scam and cheat people. So beware..!!!

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